June 2024 - What's Happening Now? Orchard Gone Wild
LAYC LOS ALTOS YOUTH CENTER to CITY OFFICES CONVERSION PROJECT- Construction began June 2024 by two more LIVE trees bulldozed in June 2024 for LAYC office conversion.–$4.5 million interior and exterior expansion and modification that includes a 20' encroachment into the Heritage Orchard paving over tree sites and removing healthy protected trees. No design review, no public cost, no comment/plans, no permits, no consideration of tree relocation.
LIBRARY PATIO PROJECT- Proposed 4,000 sq feet gated and walled patio extension of the Library footprint. Nov 2023 City Council approved consideration of historic Heritage Orchard public land for the project, and City made determination that the project was to be treated as a private development project.
In advance of receiving an Application, the City filed a CEQA exempt environmental filing, and pulled back irrigation from trees sites on the Heritage Orchard as well as instructed Orchardist to not plant 19 trees in advance of the project development application and store them at an offsite locatio n. Preview of the patio plan shows changes and alterations that will significantly impact the integrity of the historical orchard site by removing tree sites and trees, and will impact the growing conditions, environmental factors (soil, water, air) and maintenance required to operate a working orchard. In advance of the application, the City began earmarking land and trees to be used for the patio.
Area marked with pink paint and flags, and black tape on stakes not replanted while waiting for approval of project. Impact: narrowing the entrance to the Orchard, destroying tree sites and trees, and materially changing the continuity of the historic orchard and agricultural operations
ORCHARD MAINTENANCE & REPLANTING The City committed to partially irrigating tree sites of the Orchard and contracted the History Museum to coordinate maintenance tasks of the orchardist for $75,000 per year. Approximately 300 trees were replaced due inconsistent maintenance, watering and lack of care by the City. Were the 300 trees planted? No! Were all the trees and tree sites falling under the historic orchard stewardship irrigated. No! Is there a Maintenance Plan due by contract for the Orchard? No! Are trees still dying? YES!
FUTURE PROJECTS? What will the City do with the Landmark orchard trees to the left of the police station? Behind the police station? Will the City continue its death by a thousand cuts? We urge you to SIGN THE PETITION TO SAVE THE ORCHARD NOW!