June 2024- Orchard Going, Going, Gone
Los Altos, California, June 2024
LAYC LOS ALTOS YOUTH CENTER/CITY OFFICE PROJECT- Two more protected, mature healthy orchard trees cut down June 2024 without environmental review, historic preservation design review, tree permits on a Landmark Heritage Orchard! See pictures to the right! LIBRARY PATIO PROJECT- A project without an application has the City changing and altering tree sites and tree plantings, telling orchardist to not plant tree sites and hold off on on planting a whole row of trees at back of library. Look at the pink paint and black tape marking Landmark Orchard tree sites! Pictures to the right! ORCHARD MAINTENANCE & REPLANTING - City contracts with Museum for coordinating maintenance and orchardist. Plan for 300 trees to be replanted - were they? No! Why is a whole row of saplings still in storage and remain unplanted? Why are trees still dying? Are trees receiving care, nutrients, irrigation, fertilizers, pest managment. Who knows? There is no the Master Maintenance Plan, although it was slated for completion January 2024. FUTURE PROJECTS? What will the City do with the protected orchard trees which are a State registered part of the historic orchard resource to the left of the police station? next to the Smith house? near the children's apricot park and parking lot? etc, etc. Many trees are still not irrigated, and not maintained by any contract or agreement. Sign the petition HERE to save and protect what is left of Los Altos Heritage Orchard–the land, landmark and the apricot orchard trees across the Civic Center site. DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS? FUTURE PROJECTS? What will the City do with the Landmark orchard trees to the left of the police station? Behind the police station? Will the City continue its death by a thousand cuts? We urge you to SIGN THE PETITION TO SAVE THE ORCHARD NOW! |
June 2024
Trees destroyed, land taken during demolition for Civic Center city office conversion project of interior and exterior modifications of Los Altos Youth Center. |