*Endorse QuietSkies Norcal / Los Altos support of DAVYJ proposal to: √ return general routes to pre May 2015 ground track √ address lowered Menlo waypoint elevation. *Email the Select Committee to support DAVYJ proposal and QuietSkies for Menlo waypoint. LOWER. LOUDER. AND MORE OF THEM. OVERHEAD JET AIRPLANE FLIGHTS in Los Altos.
Resources and Resident Action
1. WRITE AN EMAIL TO SUPPORT DAVYJ mailto:[email protected] In preparation for Thursday September 29 Select Committee meeting, residents are being asked to send an email to the Joe Smitian and the Select Committee to support DAVYJ proposal. If you've been planning to email and haven't - please do so by end of Sunday. Use this link to pop up an empty email, and basically tell the SC "Yes on DAVYJ" with the name of your city in the Subject Line. Plus any of our other proposals (from BRIXX to MENLO) that you want them to consider. Please do not email more than once per person, but separate emails from adults in the same household are ok. ***More details and the names of Select Committee members listed below. 2. ATTEND Select Committee meeting in Palo Alto this coming Thursday, 1 pm AND WEAR RED. Be there. (Event Details). Parking tips: QSNC's Palo Alto parking Guide Also, http://paloalto.parkingguide.com/downtown and PDF map: http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/civicax/filebank/documents/3904 Get there a bit early, and it's possible. Worst case - even if you're on a two-hour lot, the SC members will see your shiny red shirt, there are no public comments. But your red shirt will speak louder than words. ![]() KEEP REPORTING JET NOISE - IT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Automatically report jet noise daily with a web tool and mobile version to save on your phone http://stop.jetnoise.net Register first. Then Click the button "report it" and your report syncs up with flight data, altitude, and then automatically sends it in. Works on computer or smart phones. More info at bottom of page. |
There several active concerned resident groups who are sharing ideas and information across impacted cities and communities. There are varying approaches on priorities, working with the FAA, and timing for immediate and long term solutions. Our analysis supports the Quiet Skies Los Altos approach and connection to recommendations from regional QuietSkies Norcal --because of their focus on feasible short term recommendations (immediate relief!) and momentum with FAA coordination for longer term solutions. *We encourage you if interested to find out more from all the groups.
LEARN ABOUT DAVYJ: THE SIMPLE FACTS -author, Quiet Skies Norcal and Quiet Skies Los Altos DAVYJ IS AN UPDATED BSUR THAT WILL END SERFR HELL DAVYJ is the flight procedure the FAA designed in response to our community feedback, and that will restore the pre-March 2015 ground track of BSUR and fix the descent issues that have been causing the SERFR noise. DAVYJ USES OPD – “THE QUIETEST WAY TO FLY AN AIRPLANE” The FAA repeatedly explained that Optimized Profile Descent (OPD) is “the quietest way to fly an airplane.” It allows the planes to descend while their engines are in “idle” mode and follow a continuous descent slope. BSUR was successful for decades because it flew an approximation of OPD. OPD will allow idle-power flight in even more circumstances on DAVYJ than previously flown on BSUR. DAVYJ CANNOT AND WILL NOT “SIMPLY SHIFT THE SERFR NOISE” SERFR is not currently flown with OPD because of a design flaw - it briefly exits SFO’s Class B Airspace. To bypass the flaw, ATC overrides OPD and tells pilots to fly level at 8000' or 10,000', and that's the root cause of SERFR’s noise. The whole point of DAVYJ is to fix the Class B conflict and thus eliminate that root cause. Therefore DAVYJ simply cannot be remotely similar to SERFR in terms of noise. DAVYJ will fly at very similar altitudes to BSUR Because today’s airplanes prefer a slightly flatter approach for quiet flight (BSUR is 30 years old!), DAVYJ flies a tiny bit lower than BSUR did. Some groups seized on this negligible altitude difference to claim that DAVYJ will be comparable to SERFR. This is highly misleading. Here are the facts: o At waypoint SKUNK (just before Felton) DAVYJ is only 300' lower (out of 12,000') - and with greater use of idle-power flight – so SLV has absolutely nothing to worry about. o At waypoint BOLDR (midway between Highways 9 and 17, in line with the Lexington Reservoir) DAVYJ is 800' lower (out of 10,000') - equivalent to a 0.8 dB impact. However, waypoint BOLDR gains the most out of OPD since that's where the flat spot used to be on BSUR, and this spot is eliminated with OPD. o At waypoint MENLO (over Palo Alto) DAVYJ is at 4000', same as BSUR was for instrument approaches. Visual approaches used to be at 5000' over MENLO, but are now discouraged, and this has nothing to do with BSUR, SERFR, or DAVYJ. We actually expect DAVYJ to be a little bit quieter than BSUR was, but one thing is absolutely certain - DAVYJ has nothing in common with SERFR, does not suffer from its design flaw, and cannot possibly be similar in noise impact. DAVYJ WILL NOT BE ANY MORE CONCENTRATED THAN BSUR WAS Despite persistent common misconception, BSUR was as busy and concentrated as SERFR is today. The only difference is SERFR is louder, so people naturally perceive it as more concentrated. THE DAVYJ GROUND TRACK PUTS MORE SPACE BETWEEN COMMUNITIES AND PLANES The Summit communities lie 5000’ below and directly underneath SERFR. Felton lies 11,500’ below DAVYJ and a mile to the west. Boulder Creek lies 10,000’ below DAVYJ and 3 miles to the west. There is simply no comparison. “FIX IT IN PLACE” WILL NOT SOLVE THE NOISE ISSUE Even though OPD is the quietest way to fly an airplane, the Summit communities are merely 5000’ below the SERFR track and will experience significant impact. Residents did not buy a house under a flight path. It has always been clear that if the FAA fixed SERFR’s noise problem, the ground track should go back. THE DAVYJ/BSUR GROUNDTRACK IS A “KNOWN GOOD” Forget predictions. We know for a fact the idle-power flight, at very comparable altitudes, and over the BSUR track, generated practically zero noise complaints for over 30 years. That’s a fact, and is the closest thing to a guarantee we can reasonably expect. DAVYJ DOES NOT MOVE NOISE The act of moving noise happened on March 5, 2015. We’re saying that the ground track should never have been moved, and asking to cancel that move. The fact that SERFR also had a broken descent profile complicated matters, but now that DAVYJ fixes that problem, the “do no harm” option is to undo the move. We’re taking the flight track to exactly where it was before, under the best possible approximation of the descent profile that existed at the time. A detailed score card is available here breaking down the DAVYJ proposal. |
TAKE ACTION TO GET DAVYJ APPROVED AND IMPLEMENTED TELL THE SELECT COMMITTEE: YES ON DAVYJ -author, Quiet Skies Norcal and Quiet Skies Los Altos The FAA has put a good faith solution on the table to end the jet noise mess they created in March 2015. This solution is DAVYJ. NOW the Select Committee needs to know that this solution has your full support. (1) Educate yourself on DAVYJ and some of the arguments against it on the other side of this page (2) Share your personal story to remind them of the urgent need for relief (3) Urge them to recomend DAVYJ and a fast implementation (4) Keep the pressure on until this process is complete. ELECT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Supervisor Joe Simitian - CHAIR Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors [email protected] Supervisor John Leopold – CO-CHAIR Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors [email protected] Supervisor Dave Pine – CO-CHAIR San Mateo County Board of Supervisors [email protected] Councilmember Ann Wengert Town of Portola Valley [email protected] Councilmember Mary-Lynne Bernald City of Saratoga [email protected] Councilmember Gary Waldeck Town of Los Altos Hills [email protected] Councilmember Don Lane City of Santa Cruz [email protected] Mayor Ed Bottorff City of Capitola [email protected] Mayor Mark Addiego City of South San Francisco [email protected] Councilmember Sam Hindi City of Foster City [email protected] Vice Mayor Larry Moody City of East Palo Alto [email protected] Supervisor Bruce McPherson Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors [email protected] SELECT COMMITTEE ALTERNATES Supervisor Mike Wasserman Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors [email protected] President George Purnell Happy Valley School Board [email protected] Councilmember Jeffrey Gee City of Redwood City [email protected] Mayor Elizabeth Lewis Town of Atherton [email protected] Councilmember Jean Mordo City of Los Altos [email protected] Vice Mayor Gregory Scharff City of Palo Alto [email protected] Mayor Cynthia Matthews City of Santa Cruz [email protected] Councilmember Dennis Norton City of Capitola [email protected] Councilmember Bob Grassilli City of San Carlo [email protected] Councilmember Peter Ohtaki City of Menlo Park [email protected] Mayor Donna Rutherford City of East Palo Alto [email protected] Mayor Donna Lind City of Scotts Valley [email protected] BE SURE TO SEND YOUR NOTE TO ANNA ESHOO AND SAM FARR AS WELL: https://eshoo.house.gov/contact http://farr.house.gov/index.php/contact-us Select Comittee Materials: https://eshoo.house.gov/constituent-services/airplane-noise-in-the-18th-congressional-district/ |
WAYS TO REPORT: Below is more information and ways to make your voice heard, over the loud dull roar of the engine noise in your neighborhood.
WRITE TO CONGRESSWOMAN ANNA ESHOO & TAKE SURVEYLITERATURE: JET NOISE AND YOUR HEALTHBelow is an information impact piece that can be downloaded--- Jan 2016 FAST FACTS PAGE or by clicking on the image below that outlines the problem and impacts to residents. This piece of literature was provided courtesy of SkyPosse Los Altos.
SIGN PETITION AND WRITE A MONTHLY COMPLAINT LETTER to [email protected]Sign petition here: http://tinyurl.com/airlplanenoise
Write to SFO and file a weekly or "monthly" noise complaint form: http://www.flysfo.com/community-environment/noise-abatement/file-a-complaint Endorse FAA proposal and approach to support a solution for immediate relief by shifting back routes and flight elevations to May 2014 levels, and continue to move forward on extending actions with long term solutions. Your endorsement of this approach is needed. Add your name to the list here.
If you want more detail: (and we mean detail) Read the FAA's response The FAA Initiative to Address Noise Concerns of Santa Cruz/Santa Clara/San Mateo/San Francisco Counties Feasibility Study can be viewed here, along with the appendices and executive summary. Review QuietSkies Norcal scorecard The FAA feasibility response document requires some level of background and expertise to fully understand the proposed feasible changes. QuietSkies Norcal has analyzed it and created an impact scorecard that can be viewed. Read the April 12 letter that Senators Feinstein and Boxer sent to the FAA Administrator |
SEND IN EASY, AUTOMATED DAILY FLIGHT NOISE REPORTSSign up and provide your gmail and physical address to Stop.Jetnoise.net. Log into the web page and use an easy daily reporting tool. With the click of one REPORT IT button it matches your location to the flight heard overhead with flight number, plane type, altitude and your noise ranking and notes.
Many have bookmarked the page on their iPhone so it appears as an instant icon app login from their mobile phones. One click reporting from anywhere. See my sample report at the top of this page. When I hear jet noise overhead, I press the "report it" button and an auto report list is created. That's all I have to do to report, unless I want to edit the noise volume, make notes, or tell them what activity it disturbed. The end-of-day report will be automatically delivered to the authorities. Love this! |
We encourage everyone to attend any of the upcoming public meetings to hear proposed solutions by the FAA and other groups and to show support for real solutions, short term and long term. We expect that each meeting will have a public comments section or a Q&A.