Cumulative projects are chipping away at one of the last
historic orchards in Santa Clara Valley Here’s what is coming
After decades defining our community, the Los Altos Heritage Orchard and Civic Center are at risk of being forever altered in just one meeting:
The Library Patio project is a 8,265 sq ft enclosed patio with A/V and 5 big screen monitors, encroaching on the historic landmark orchard, that is ironically intended to connect children with nature and the orchard. The project is a private development funded by one family, Los Altos Library Endowment and the Santa Clara County Library District. One meeting decides. Members of the public get
3 minutes to say something about it. Be there. Thursday, February 6 @ 6pm
City Hall, 1 N San Antonio Rd Los Altos AMONG THE QUESTIONS:
2. All trees in the Northeast Orchard near Police Station were removed and not replaced with no Historical Alteration Permit (Sept 2024). Project deemed CEQA exempt. 3. Los Altos Community Center Emergency Operations Center includes a backup generator in the location of a removed historic oak tree, and involved trenching throughout the Civic Center. Project deemed CEQA exempt 4, A $1 million 15,000sq ft Civic Center Dog Park awaits construction documents. It displaces 15 parking spaces promised to other locations within the Civic Center. Set adjacent to EOC fuel storage tanks with its artificial turf sitting atop an electric field. Project deemed CEQA exempt. 5. A $13+ million dollar Library Expansion plan has an outstanding Request for Proposal for Design Services (August 2024) This is the FIRST and ONLY opportunity for public input on the Library Patio project. What can you do? 1. ATTEND THE MEETING. This is just one of many projects in pipeline that will change our civic center and civic life. 2. SUBMIT A PUBLIC COMMENT. You can also write to city staff and commissioners. [email protected] Subject line must include: PUBLIC COMMENT: JOINT COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING Feb 6, 2025, Item #2 3.SPEAK AT THE MEETING . Your voice matters more than ever. Upon arrival, fill out a public comment card for Item #2. 4. SHARE INFORMATION. Get the word out, talk to your neighbors, bring a friend. INTERESTED IN DOING MORE TO
We are a volunteer community group focused on preserving and protecting the environment, historic and cultural lands and natural resources right here in our community. We rely on strong relationships with professionals in historic preservation and environmental law. We maintain a dense data base of documentation related to Los Altos history and its historic resources. We are passionate and optimistic!
Join us in protecting and restoring our Los Altos Heritage Orchard. Start here.
![]() (2016 photo) The Los Altos Heritage Orchard is a City, County and State historical resource to remain a "historic working orchard in perpetuity" located at the Civic Center bordering the City Hall, LACY, Library, Smith House and Police Station. The registered historic resource includes land use designation, a landmark, tree sites and trees to be replaced, not .removed.
Additionally the historic resource encompasses the historic designation as a historic working orchard representative of the City's and Region's past. Image taken prior to the City's most recent actions, development, and damage of this historic resource.
A PRIVATE PROJECT ON PUBLIC LAND? ”A working historic orchard and City Historic Landmark demonstrating and showcasing the City’s and the region’s historic agricultural roots and heritage that is maintained and kept productive” 2021 Los Altos City Ordinance 2021-477 PLANTED in 1901 AND THE OPERATING ORCHARD SHOWPIECE FOR THE LOS ALTOS CIVIC CENTER MASTER PLAN SINCE 1965 A recorded CITY OF LOS ALTOS HISTORIC RESOURCE 2.86 acres of orchard lands SINCE 1987 with a CITY OF LOS ALTOS LANDMARK area designated 1991 STATE OF CALIFORNIA HR#15 CALIFORNIA HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST Recorded and awarded by SANTA CLARA COUNTY HISTORIC REGISTRY in 1986 IN CALIFORNIA, HISTORIC SPACES AND PLACES ARE PART OF OUR PRECIOUS AND FLEETING ENVIRONMENT. LET'S PROTECT THEM. PAL•LA Preservation Action League Los Altos MODERNIZATION
& PRESERVATION Mindful development doesn’t necessitate the destruction of historic elements; together, modernization and preservation enhance the character of place |