OUR PRIVACY POLICYThis website and neighbor group does not share personal or contact information of our members with third parties without your expressed permission.
If you sign a petition, you are permitting us to list your first name, last name and street address, hopefully matching your voter registration information (if applicable.) Published petition signatures will not include your email or electronic contact information. If you sign up to be a member, you are agreeing to be added to the membership list and receive periodic membership communication using your email, including a newsletter, invitations and contact from losaltosneighbors.com. Comments, neighbor articles, social shares authored by you for this website or included on this website may be made available on this website with your expressed permission. We are not responsible for republished content, articles or social commentary from this website on other blogs, social media, websites without our permission. We do not rent, sell or distribute our list, or store any information about your visit except for the expressed purpose of improving our content and user interaction. We use Google Analytics to analyze our web traffic and sources at an aggregate level. You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings. This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on July 20, 2015 . If you have any questions feel free to contact: [email protected]